Welcome to the Propel Publishing website; home to the award-winning writings and Life Coaching of Larry Skahill.
Dead Man Rising: From a Watery Grave to an Incredible Life
Winner of TWO Global eBook Awards for:
- Best Christian eBook of 2012
- Best Memoir eBook of 2012
Curious about what happens when you die? Join Larry as he has “a brush with death and Heaven” (Pastor Jerry Morris).
Looking for inspiration? Be a part of the “triumph over adversity against all odds” (Captain Steve McCullough, Santa Barbara Harbor patrol).
Propel Life Coaching
Have you ever had all the resources you needed to succeed…the money, the time, the materials, the people, the opportunity…everything, but somehow you didn’t quite get there?
Coaching could be for you.
Has Life dealt you a tough blow? Are you or your organization going through some challenging changes? Building a team?
Coaching could be for you.
Is something missing from your life, your business? Do you feel: There’s got to be more to life, to business, than this? Do you need to find or redefine an inspiring vision for your life or organization?
You guessed it: Coaching could be for you.
This site is packed with valuable, do-it-yourself coaching tools:
- The VIP Vision Toolkit™
- Goal Decision Journal
- Dive into the Incredible Life & PRIMAL Living blogs
- Inspirational articles:
- Overcoming obstacles
- Strategies for success
- Winning Leadership
- And more
Advanced, one-on-one or group, executive and leadership coaching is also available.
Propel to Hope: When Life Hurts Like Hell
Sometimes life is absolutely brutal. Suffering people often question: Can anyone know what I’m going through?
If you or someone you love is going through incredibly hard-hitting times, this collection of meditations, prayers and scriptures was written by someone who has been there. The life and death struggles of his then-toddler son; the agony of a brutal betrayal and divorce; the devastating, horrific boating accident, pain and subsequent financial hardships caused by a careless boater; the loss of a lifetime dream career: Larry Skahill has been through it all and shares the faith that turned tragedy into triumph.
The PDF download is absolutely free.