Welcome to our Resources page!
It is our sincere desire that these resources will help you find and lead an Incredible Life.
Here are some suggestions as to how you can select which of the following coaching tools and informational aids you need and can maximize the results they bring you.
I have found that many Christians are unaware of exactly who they are in Christ (myself included). I use two tools (among others) to help fellow Christians better understand their identity and deeply impact their lives. First is scriptural based and was originally compiled by Neil Anderson in his breakthrough book “Victory Over the Darkness.” Pray these Christian Identity Scriptures aloud at least once per day, preferably as you start your day. If you are suffering through intensely painful times of doubt, you may want to carry a copy of these with you and refer to them throughout the day. While these scriptures are true for all Christians, the Propel Christian Warrior Prayer is more focused on you as an individual and the unique mission God created you to fulfill. Again, this prayer is best said aloud and will give you a passionate, purpose-filled start to your day.
Once you have a solid grasp on your identity, you’re better prepared to enter the coaching process. For a better understanding of Christian coaching, I suggest you read and understand Propel Christian Coaching Foundations. A big part of understanding who we are, and a growing area in coaching is that of strengths. KSAs have traditionally been thought of as “Knowledge, Skills and Abilities.” With an eye towards Strengths-based coaching, I have altered KSAs to mean Knowledge, Skills and Aptitudes. Propel Christian Application of KSAs will help you understand this change in thinking and obtain a better awareness of your identity in the area of strengths.
All of the above resources lay a granite foundation to the tool I have had the best results with and comments on: The Propel VIP Vision Discovery Toolkit. This in-depth evaluation of your Values, Identity and Passions will give you the knowledge of who God created you to be, the information and the path to get started on finding a vision for your life, a life filled with passion and meaning, The Incredible Life.
Finally, if you’re not seeing the results you want as you work towards your goals, it might be the decisions you make along the way, both seemingly minor and major. Our choices determine our future. The Propel Coaching Decision Journal gives you a simple, quick and focused way to track your decisions, the impact of those decisions and future responses to consider. Diligently journaling on your choices, you will find your successful decision making ability growing by leaps and bounds.
Please feel free to contact us with your comments on and results of using these tools.
Propel Coaching
Downloadable PDF Files:
Christian Application of KSAs
Christian Coaching Foundations
Propel Coaching Decision Journal
Propel Christian Warrior Prayer